
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Liar, Liar

Take a look at the picture above... what do you see? Do you see two faces, one perpendicular to the side and one at a bit better than a 45 degree angle, or do you see "Liar Liar" written in cursive handwriting in two different colors?

It's all about illusion: Illusion of the mind created to make us believe things that are not true and illusion of the eye to make us see things that are not necessarily there. I hate liars. I hate being lied to. To me, there is no worse crime than a lie. You can beat me, emotionally abuse me, degrade me every chance you get, but do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT lie to me! There is nothing worse than a lie.

Regardless of what has been done, if you never lie, you never lose your integrity. Lies perpetrate lies, and he who lies, cheats and steals as well. That is what I was brought up to believe. If only I could trust the person who lies to me, I could get through absolutely anything else that has been done, but when a person lies to another, trust is completely nullified.

The only real remark I have to say about lying: think twice before you do it. Remember, no matter what you ever do, if you always tell the truth, you NEVER lose your integrity, and you will always be ahead in life. Lies wreck people's lives, hurt family and friends, and take away all the trust and honor that has been bestowed upon you by the ones who trusted you. Is that really worth losing? In my mind, hell no it isn't, but I guess we all have our own value systems.


At 10:06 PM, Blogger Ingrid said...

I agree, but sometimes a lie is necessary or would you say to your friend who asks you if she had put on weight "Oh yes you are really fat now" even it's true and she looks like a barrel, you wouldn't tell her the truth. Or if a sick person asks you am I going to die ? even you know it you never would tell it. But these are not real lies, it's just coming from your heart.


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