
Sunday, March 26, 2006

Why Do People Ask for Help They Only Want to Find Fault With???

I receive emails daily from many people... hundreds and hundreds of people. I enjoy reading the jokes, get all tingly about the inspirational emails, etc. There is one type of email that gets under my skin... I really love it when people email a whole bunch of other people asking for help with something and then find fault with every plausible solution that is offered to them.

So, I have come to this conclusion: these people don't want help, they just want to bitch and have people feel sorry for them. If you offer them a solution, they shoot holes through it faster than you could ever imagine. But if you commiserate with them about how absolutely terrible and hopeless their situation is, THAT makes them happy.

Take, for example: person A emails group B about how she really needs a job she can work from home. Person B from the group emails person A and tells them about a great opportunity that would cost nothing to start, except they would have to put in a less than $20 a month phone line to work. Person A says they cannot afford to do this, so Person B tells them that the phone company will bill them and they will have made 30 times that by the time the bill is due. Person A continues to find fault and makes it clear that they didn't want a REAL solution, only to bitch and have people feel sorry for them.

My point is, if you don't really want a solution, DO NOT ASK FOR ONE!!! Simply state, I WANT TO BITCH, PISS AND MOAN ABOUT HOW TERRIBLE MY LIFE IS AND I WANT YOU TO FEEL SORRY FOR ME. Don't ask people to go out of their way to think for you when you have absolutely no intentions of employing any solution they may offer. If you ask for help simply to see how many people care enough about you to reply, heed this: sooner or later, people are generally no longer going to give a shit about what you need "help" with because they will see through your bs and just hit the delete key. I know I sure have learned where my delete key is!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Airports, Airplanes, and Smokers

Let's talk about the airlines for a bit....

First of all, I flew to Montana last weekend to take my niece to her mom who had just moved there from Wisconsin.

When booking our tickets, I found it appalling that it was more expensive to book a round trip ticket and a one-way ticket than it was to book two round trip tickets. Guess what??? I booked both of them round trip and my darling niece simply did not fly on the way back. What kind of sense does that make??? Beyond that, my niece is two years old... past the 24-month mark when you can fly with them on your lap. Though I was not allowed to fly her on my lap and not pay for the extra ticket, they still allowed me to hold her throughout the trip! Also, she weighs about 30 pounds and her ticket cost just as much as my ticket did... no discount for a child. Essentially, I paid for a seat that did not need to get used.

Another thing I really love is when you get online and check your flight status and what gates you are flying into and departing from in your connecting airport and you find that you are flying into gate C13 and back out of gate c14. Mind you, I checked this info directly before leaving for the airport. Then you get to your connecting airport and find that you flew into gate B14 and have to go to gate F10 on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE AIRPORT to connect! I don't know why I bother checking-- it's never right. In the 50 times I have flown in the last 2 years, I think that only once or twice did I actually get accurate gate information. Why post the information if it is totally incorrect???

And airports in the North have absolutely no consideration for smokers. You have to go out through security at the main terminal to go have a smoke before you depart. Then you go through the bullshit of getting back in through security again. Now, you get to a Southern airport and even if there is no room in the terminal area for passengers who are smokers to smoke, you will find a restaurant that allows you to smoke. This avoids the huge inconvenience of having to go out through security and back in again. Even if they want us terrible people who smoke to go outside, there should be a place within the area only ticketed passengers can be to go outside and support your habit! I understand the non smoker's right not to be exposed, but smoker's have rights too and it's about time we were treated that way! We pay our taxes on our cigarettes in hefty amounts to have that right.

Basically, flying is a convenience when compared to driving, but the airlines make it seemingly inconvenient in little ways. And they know that you would rather fly and get there faster than drive, therefore, they really don't care enough about the little things to make them any easier on us.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

This REALLY Gets Under My Skin

This really gets to me... this man was convicted of raping and murdering a woman in California... he was scheduled to be put to death by the California Department of Corrections in February. Two hours before his execution, it was called off because the judge had ordered that a doctor give him the injection. No doctor would do it because of ethical issues, so on he lives.

Here's my question... WHO WORRIED ABOUT THAT POOR GIRL'S CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT??? He sure as hell didn't when he raped her, tried to strangle her (the belt broke), stabbed her, and left her to die in a remote vineyard in California in 1981. When does this girl's family and loved ones get to stop their cruel and unusual punishment? The system is backwards. Maybe we should go back to the electric chair... then this asshole would have something to bitch about. Did he properly anesthesize this girl before he did her in? I bet not... Now I am not either pro or against the death penalty as it stands today. But, I do believe that if a state sentences someone like this to death, that should be carried out in a timely fashion. If now, the state did not have a death penalty, the family would have had closure a long time ago when he was sentenced to life. They wouldn't be suffering waiting for a sentence to be carried out.