
Sunday, February 26, 2006

This Week's Tenant

Check out my tenant for this week! She has an attitude that will leave you rolling on the floor splitting your side with laughter. Her unique outlook says what all of us think but maybe just don't have the guts to say. Enjoy!

This Week's Tenant from My Other Blog

This week's tenant from my other blog is an artist with a beautiful blog. Please take a few minutes and look around. It features the art of Winsome Gunning. Enjoy!

Friday, February 24, 2006


First thing I gotta make clear... I love my children more than life. What I cannot STAND however, is SASSY KIDS!!! Now, my kids don't live with me right now because I have had alot of health problems, and I chose to put them in a more stable environment. The people who my children live with, are a God send... we see eye to eye when it comes to discipline, child rearing, and most every issue.

The last few weeks, my kids have had a terribly sassy attitude. They have been talking back to me alot and not showing a great deal of respect, which really gets under my skin. I am what you would call a "strict mom." I do not tolerate being talked back to or treated with disrespect.

I think they are picking this up from none other than school. Sometimes, I just want to find the parents of these kids and give THEM some discipline so maybe they will take the time to give their kids some. I cannot believe the way I hear some of these kids talk to their parents and teachers, and some of the nasty language that comes out of their mouths, and the parents who LET THEM do it! I think back to when I was a kid, and I would have NEVER even THOUGHT of talking to my parents the way kids these days talk to their parents... and I am only 26 years old! These kids are so nasty... and ya know, if that's the way parents want their children to be, fine... the problem comes in when it starts to affect MY children. I have taught my kids to say "yes, ma'am" and "yes, sir" when speaking to adults, and not to talk back. I feel these are basic manners that all children should have and cannot understand why other parents don't feel manners or respect are necessary in child rearing.

Kids are gifts from God and we are given them to bring them up to be able to serve God and become productive members of society. We are not given them to teach them or allow them to wreak havok on the world. If people spent a little more time disciplining and loving their children, we wouldn't have instances like Columbine. Also, if teachers were allowed a bit more latitude as far as discipline in their classrooms, the world would be a better place, and our kids would get a better education. When I went to school, if I got in trouble in school, I got in trouble at home. These days, if a kid gets in trouble in school, they go home and the parents sue the school. What are we teaching our kids? And how to we teach them to be productive, responsible members of society with these attitudes? I am really scared to see what the world is going to be the next generation...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Boost Your Blog's Traffic

Want to boost the traffic to your blog? Check out and you could win $250!

Losing Our Pets

Well, the time has come for us to move... we are running short on time to get out of this house and finally found a house to rent. It is a great place and definitely a step up from what we are in now, the only problem is that we are losing our pets, as the new place will not accept our cats. Now, I personally, could deal with this. But, these are my children's pets. We have two wonderful kittens who have brought a great amount of joy to our children's lives. They will be devastated to find out that they cannot have their pets anymore, and I just don't have the heart to tell them. These kittens are house trained... they don't mess anywhere they aren't supposed to... I think it is an absolute shame. It just goes to show you how the few can screw it up for the many. Because some people do not take care of their pets and let their litter go and urine smells wreck walls and floors from this, my kids will no longer have their pets, who are well taken care of. So, any of you out there that have cats that you don't take care of, think about the reputation you give the rest of us who do take care of our pets, and how heart broken my kids will be without their pets. Maybe the thought of two very upset crying small children will make you think about cleaning up after your pet so you don't sour a landlord to allowing cats.

Please, Check Out My Other Pages

This is not a gripe... But I did want to share with you all two of my other blogs, as I think they are worth the time. They are and Take a few moments to check them out. It is quite interesting material... also, feel free to comment and ask questions from the blogs.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

No, the world does NOT revolve around YOU!

You know what really gets me? When people think that your sole purpose in life is to please them... like you have nothing else going on in your life other than whatever it is that they may want from you. Take for example... I have been in the hospital the last couple days with an abcess on the side of my face. Now, this is very painful... definitely wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I no more than get out of the hospital and log online and this person has a list of songs they want me to burn for them... the first thing I said was "I just got out of the hospital and don't feel good"... it did not seem to affect them. He sends me his list, asks if I got it, then proceeds to tell me more to add to it. I told him that I JUST GOT OUT OF THE HOSPITAL once again... at what point did people stop giving a shit about others and start caring only about themselves?? And it's not like this fool couldn't burn his own damned songs... he's just too cheap to spend the extra 2 dollars a month for high speed internet. I got half a mind to tell him to burn his own shit, or to charge him a buck a song... bet he'd figure out something then, and maybe find some compassion along the way!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Ya Know What Really Drives Me Nuts?!?

The internet is a great place to meet people and to stay in contact with friends and family across the globe. What really unnerves me though is when you are minding your own business, just reading your email, or checking out your favorite spots on the net, and some freak messages you with a picture of his not-so-well endowed self like you should be in awe of his manhood (or lack thereof). What could possibly make a man think that a woman would be turned on or want to have sex with them because they message this woman with a lewd comment or a picture of their male anatomy splattered across your messenger window? Another great one I love, is men overseas messaging American women looking for marriage. I receive 3-4 of these a week! And on every one of my profiles, I state that I am a happily married woman. Which brings us back to the first gripe as well-- it takes alot of gall for some idiot to message a married woman out of the blue, show her his dingy, and tell her he wants to screw her... what a turn off. I know that I am repulsed by it. For all you guys out there: You'd get alot further with some nice conversation and taking the time to get to know a woman... talking NICE to her and NOT dirty... complimenting her and not making lewd comments right off the bat. And no, we don't really care for cyber sex... it's so impersonal and why on earth would we want something fake, when we can have the real thing?! Another thing, it's an insult to message a married woman in such a way. Some of us take our vows seriously, and are put out by a man who would assume otherwise especially not knowing her...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

These are My Major Gripes

I am starting this page to talk about my major gripes-- about everyday life, the news, the neighbors-- WHATEVER :)

Today, I am gonna gripe about email... you know, those guys who email you that they have this "great business opportunity" for you... just give them your social security number, date of birth, phone number, address, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, and we will screw you, your credit and your entire life! On an average, I get 3 or 4 of these a day! Now tell me, how in the world can there really be that many people who want to enhance my financial well being??? Now, respond to one of these emails, and it will create ten more just like it! It makes me wonder just how many people out there are duped by this scam. How many people have lost it all? I met a guy once who fell for this-- and even after giving these people thousands of dollars, he continued to give them money on the pretense of "covering the upfront costs of transferring the other money to his account." It was really sad. I don't know what ever happened to him, but it can't be good. When is this scam gonna get old and move onto something bigger and better? It really is getting boring... Time for something new and exciting.